2017-11-10 10:54:46 点击:
C-TPAT Documents List 反恐文件及硬件要求Main Procedures Needed in C-TPAT 反恐主要程序:
1.Management Procedure of Cargo & Container货物货柜管理程序
2.Security Guard Handbook保安手册
3.Management Procedure for Emergency Cases紧急应变管理程序
4.Employee Handbook员工手册
5.Recruitment Procedure (E1 including employee's family members, education background, working experiences, home telephone number, ID copy, Identity verifying, etc. )招聘程序(E1包括家庭成员,教育背景,工作经历,家庭电话,身份证复印件,身份核查等)
6.Detailed Security Rules & Regulations安全细则
7.Supplier's Working Standards供应商作业标准
8.Employee Reporting Procedure of Potential Security Problems员工报告潜在安全隐患程序。。。
文件下载:20161007105339291.doc (点击即可下载)
- 上一篇:ETI验厂认证-工厂检查所需文件-证件清单 2017/11/11
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